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Carley Hill, Founder/Executive Director

Thomas Vannatter, Administrative Director​

BB, The Cat


Carley Hill

Working with the Ashford Hollow Foundation as a Fiscal Partner, we are striving to ensure that our revitalized Arts and Environmental Education Programs reach youth and adults throughout Western New York.  We are actively looking for partners just like you who share our commitment to the arts and natural environment. 



"Since Griffis Hill Gardens was established in the Fall of 2012, our over 50-acre site is developing into a thriving, managed natural environment.  We have dedicated the past 8 months to an intensive forestry stewardship redesign that has a committed focus on habitat development and water resource management.  Newly established on the property are over 10 acres dedicated to sustainable forest gardens, with winding channels feeding crescent ponds and hidden pathways leading through fruit tree groves.  In addition to these features there are small vernal pools and fields of seasonally harvested wild edible foods and blossoming forest fauna.

My goal this year is to continue to grow and develop our series of arts and environmental educational programs.  We are providing a number of adult courses in arts, environmental design and permaculture as well as summer programming for families and youth.  I'd like to personally invite you to come out to Griffis Hill Gardens and take part in one of our amazing workshops, explore the breathtaking park, and even reserve one of our cabins for the weekend.  I look forward to seeing you soon!"


Carley Hill, Founder/Executive Director


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